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Radar 10am One Thing: April Fool’s!


The following is this week’s 10am One Thing that I wrote for the DDB blog.

Tuesday was April Fool’s Day or, as those of us who are immersed in digital culture call it, the worst day on the Internet. Every year it rolls around and every year we dread being fooled (and subsequently publicly shamed) by something is just too good to be true.

This year, AdWeek collected the best some of the pranks from brands that hit the internet which you can peruse at your pleasure below. Interestingly, Samsung and HTC, and Sam Adams and Stone both released the same pranks with tech-enabled gloves and helium-carbonated beer respectively.

But our favourite was from Bonobos, an apparel manufacturer who created TechStyle, a line of socially connected wearable tech clothing:

As with Real Time Marketing, we believe that for brands, participation does not automatically lead to relevance. Its a tough trick to get April Fool’s Day right, especially when everyone else is trying to do the same. Kudos to those who did get it right but Denny’s, like Oreo at the this year’s Super Bowl, may have done it best by simply not participating at all.

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